Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Every time I hear one of those good old-fashioned Christmas songs I am reminded of how simple life seemed back in the day. I remember being a child and listening to the songs as I slept on the bed, sofa, or chair while alternating for holiday gatherings between our house and the houses of family and friends. Between the sounds of cards slapping on the table from the Bid Whiz game came the soft echoes from the likes of Donny Hathaway, Otis Redding, The Supremes, Al Green, and more – these were the soothing sounds that made life seem so at ease. I wonder now if it was the peace of being a child or was life so much more simpler for us back then? When I listen to these songs now I am reminded that it seemed like no matter what they may have been going through with Civil Rights, recession, or everything that was thrown at them because of the color of their skin, all of it seemed to fade when you put on a wobbly 45 or album and take that penny or nickel to hold the needle down. Gosh, I wonder if that’s all it would take now – a good old 45 record, an album and a nickel; what have we got to lose - we’ve tried almost everything else. Maybe we just need to play those old songs all day, everyday, in hopes that it would remind us that back in the day even the worst of times melted like butter on a gas stove.

I can’t speak for your family but as for mine I remember when those “tipsy” relatives cried every time they heard The OJays, The Temptations, Otis Redding, or Sam Cooke? Were they crying because of the hand that life dealt or were they crying because they were tipsy, it probably was the latter? Now when I look back on it I remember that it was through them that we found joy; it was those tipsy, crying relatives that gave us a good old-fashioned belly laugh; one that we, as children, would have to sneak and have because back then a child stayed in a child’s place. Yeah, those were the days….I remember everybody jumping up from the card table and doing the “bop”(I think you’d have to be from Atlanta to know what the bop is). The bop – you take the hand of your partner and….well, it’s hard to explain. Men with women, women with women and usually somebody with a child; that’s how I learned to do the bop, I was the extra that always jumped up to dance with my mom. It’s funny but just this week I longed for the good old days of Christmas, one where the holiday was about Jesus and not about which house had the biggest and the best decorations or who spent the most. Christmas then was about parents having fun all night pretending to be Santa Claus and then staying awake to watch the excitement from their children. Christmas then was a time for family & friends; a time when people just dropped by and stayed a while without it being an inconvenience. It was a time when we laughed like crazy when my Aunt Bernice fell into the Christmas tree because she was “tipsy,” or when she would put on her nightgown backwards and the breast cups would be sticking out in the back; yes, when that happened the adults were okay when the children laughed too.

I’m sure you’re probably saying, “What is the message in all of this?” Well for me the message is this - when I look at my children I realize how much they’ve missed; I realize that their abundance has created their lack. I realized that life now has allowed them to grow up too fast and gone are the days when they could sit in the midst of adults but still maintain their childlike innocence. As I think about the good old days the message for me is a reminder that sometimes we have to go back before we can move forward. I sometimes find it rather soothing to use my imagination and pull out an old 45 that has been compressed into a CD and think back to the days when I was curled up on a chair or bed while the sounds of Donny Hathaway drifted into my sleep. 35+ years later when everything around me seems chaotic I have to remember that even in the stress of today's journey sometimes all I need to do is take a walk down memory lane back to a time when all it took for them was a song.TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up!! CLICK ON THE LINK a second helping - CLICK ON THE LINK

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

They're My Color but They're Not My Kind

I love my people, I honestly do. If I had a choice of the race that I wanted to be born in, it wouldn’t change. I love the diversity that we have in our complexions, hair, styles, swag, etc. I love me; who I am, who my family is and who they were. I love being blessed with strong women that not only taught me but showed me how to love myself. My people…My uncle used to have a saying that it took me years to understand. He would often say, “They’re my color, but they’re not my kind.” I would later learn firsthand what those words meant.

“They’re my color, but they’re not my kind.” I wish that I would have done research on this for my final college paper in hopes of understanding why we change. Did it start in the Motherland between the tribes? Did it start on the plantation between the house slaves and the field slaves? Did the house slaves treat the field slaves with inferiority? I don’t know when it started but I do know that personal experience has changed the way I feel about some things. I remember when I started working for a minority organization; I was so excited to finally be around my people because I’d always worked in corporate America. I remember telling one of my Caucasian sisters that I was sooo excited about finally working with “my people.” It wasn’t long before the light grew dim and I found a saying of my own, “In Corporate America I knew that I was Black, but here I feel like I’m Black.” Even though my department was predominately Black my supervisor for seven years was not, so life for me was pretty much what I was accustomed to, but the organization as a whole was definitely a culture shock. Unfortunately things changed and it was then that I began to understand exactly what my uncle was trying to teach me. I also learn that an old saying of mine was true as well – “Even a dog will smile at you before he attacks.” OK I'll wait until you catch up...Time's up - think about it...when a dog growls at you he's showing his teeth so what looks like a smile is really a set-up. Yes, it wasn’t long before I told myself that Corporate America really wasn’t so bad after all. House slaves vs Field slaves; why have we taken on this attitude of superiority and inferiority? Why have we made ourselves out to be better than our “brutha?” Why have we allowed a title, degree or status to define who we are or who we will become? Why have we allowed a position to be the shoes that we use to step on and over those that we used to work with as friends or thought we could respect as bosses? Recently I was sharing with my cousin that I’m being more selective of whom I would like to work for and with from now on. Unfortunately she understood because a few years ago she changed positions and found herself one of only two sistahs in the department; guess who gave her the most trouble? Confirmation - someone recently made a general statement - "My people of color. Why do you make our jobs so hard?" “They’re my color, but…” While out shopping on Black Friday I overheard a “supervisor” speak to her team in such a degrading tone that I said to myself surely she’s joking with them; her facial expression told me that she was not. “They’re not my kind.” Even at church I’ve chosen to sit up top with the crew that I work with even on the Sunday’s when I’m not working. The anointing is different up top and I don’t have to worry with those that are at church every Sunday shouting hallelujahs when the pastor is preaching & watching but turning their heads when church is over to avoid speaking.

I’m sure there’s a lesson in this for me because God allowed me to associate this with something He showed me years ago. Ironically this revelation came during The Lion King era when I worked in Corporate America. In Simba’s Pride, Kiara, Simba’s daughter, told him during the fight between the have & the have not’s that they should stop fighting because “we are one.” What Kiara was saying is the same thing that God has told us all along in Gen. 2:7 “God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being.” You see the dust had no particular color – it had no race, culture or social status, degree or position. It was just plain dust from the ground and with dust you can’t tell one particle from another. We are still dust, no matter what we have achieved. We are one…(Rom. 14:1) “Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does for God has accepted him.” WOW!! GOD has ACCEPTED him. Now when will we? TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up!! CLICK ON THE LINK

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FROM Wii to WE

Many of you have heard of all the drama that I recently went through trying to find a simple pack of old-fashioned marbles for a Science project that my daughter Bree had to do. The project was to create a roller coaster with a loop and a hill and then make sure that the marble traveled through the entire coaster, loop, hill and all. After getting the materials I searched high and low, from store to store looking for the marbles that I used to play with when I was a little girl. Family Dollar – nope, Dollar Tree – nope, Walmart – nope, another Family Dollar, another Dollar Tree, CVS and Walgreen – I came up with a nope on all accounts. A simple pack of marbles. Everyone wanted to tell me that the “craft marbles” would serve the purpose, and yes, maybe they would but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted the colored marbles that came with a chunky and a cat eye. Had I become so obsessed with finding these marbles – maybe, but the revelation received will far surpass the obsession. I continued my search and ended up finding a pack at a store in the “hood” – thank God for the hood – that’s where you have to keep it real! Please don’t mistake the hood for the ghetto; there is a difference. The hood is where you don’t rush to remove life for “something better.” It’s where you go when you want to remember from where we came. The hood is where our people were able to be themselves. It’s where we can sit on the porch sipping sweet tea or something stronger, play spades, listen to “real” music and wave when friends or strangers passed by.

This experience of not being able to find the marbles that I used to play with taught me a valuable lesson; it taught me that we have become so far removed from things that were simple. We've been so busy "moving on up" like George Jefferson that we've forgotten to take with us the simple things in life. Gone are the days of playing marbles, jacks, hop scotch and jump rope. These were inexpensive games that required concentration; games that became the backbone of many life lessons learned. Marbles were like shoes, every child had their own. When you came with a challenge you’d better be ready to lose your stash. I remember I had a plastic tub full of marbles and for me to lose meant either you had to be good or I was having a bad day. The game taught you how to focus on your mark and it also taught you how to have a steady hand; hmmm what a wonderful, simple way for the makings of a good surgeon yet it was also an example of life because it taught you that there is a risk because your opponent is there to take everything. As for jacks – jacks taught us concentration, hand-eye coordination and how to count. It was a basic game of throwing a small ball in the air and picking up jacks from one to whatever number you were on and then catching the ball after one bounce. Later you added in creativity – throw the ball in the air, pick up the jacks, tap, and then catch the ball after one bounce. Gosh I was good at that game too. The value of jacks is to teach us that you have to keep your eye on the ball and that even though you sometimes find yourself juggling it doesn’t mean that your dreams can’t be caught. Hop scotch. I sometimes still see the markings of this game from time to time; it’s good to know that kids are still enjoying it and that it’s still around. The greatest lesson taught in this game was to focus on throwing the rock or object into a square, jump to it and pick it up all while balancing on one leg – this game taught children how to balance and how to stay within the square. Maybe if we spent more time playing this game we would be able to teach them the concepts needed to balance the many things they would go through in life. And finally there’s jump rope – really there’s no need to explain the value of jump rope; what child doesn’t need the exercise that comes with increasing your heart rate. Jump rope also brought out our creative side through twist jumping and double dutch. In jump rope we learn how to jump through the hoops thrown at us in this fast paced life that we’ve created for ourselves.

Simple games…valuable lessons…What I learned this week was that all of these games held great lessons that I believe contributed to what have helped elevate the intelligence of my generation. It was also this eye-opener that made me realize how important it is to take a step back into time and show my children what simple fun is like. This may be just what Shay needs to teach her how to focus in school and it may be what Bree needs to help her understand that the simple things in life are sometimes the most enjoyable. What I learned by searching from store to store is a lesson that we all need to learn; the lesson of spending time with each other. Wii is fun, but WE is better. It is WE that brings out the bond in a family; that’s my lesson. TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up!! CLICK ON THE LINK

Monday, November 9, 2009


13 dead 30 wounded. He was a psychiatrist but his mind was troubled. He was a Major but he was unable to lead. Many would have you believe that his religion was the reason, maybe, but maybe not. It takes a lot to be a soldier; it takes almost as much to be a soldier’s wife. No one knows the life we both have lived unless you've been there, done that. Do I regret it? – No. If given the chance would I go back tomorrow? – No.

“Boo, my unit is being deployed to Kuwait in 2 weeks.” I’d seen it happen to others but when I heard it in my own house then it became real. I heard a scream but I thought it was in my head until my neighbors ran through the door – I was crying, hyperventilating and pleading with God. We were in Germany and I’d just lost my mother 10 months earlier ~ life seemed so unfair. I found myself in the same daze that I was in when I came home to bury my mother; things were cloudy. I felt like I was losing my mind. I was forced to stay or risk losing housing if I came home. Stressed, depressed. That was my story…

He came over for dinner; a friend we’d met at Fort Bragg, N.C. In the Army you’re family and we look after our own. We met because we all lived in the same apartment complex and like family we found each other when we got overseas. They lived about two hours away but when you’re overseas that’s like being as close as Atlanta to College Park – we would pack a bag and spend the weekend; they would do the same. When they found out he was being deployed they had to send their 3 kids home to Alabama because she worked nights. Daily she cried for two reasons; her husband was going to war and she had to send her children home. They flew alone – they paid the cost – the military will only pay if you have orders. That was Malone’s story…

It played out like a scene from Army Wives. She was the wife of a Navy Seal with a young son about 5. She seemed a little ditzy to me; not the normal type of friend I would be drawn to. I often wondered why her husband could go to work in civvies and why he had a beard; my husband later explained. I can’t remember how we became close but I do remember sitting in her kitchen most mornings helping her search the newspaper. It became a habit; the least little article may have held a clue of his assignment. I realized that the ditzy was really her early afternoon bottles of wine; red eyes not from the wine but from crying every time her son asked why didn’t daddy say goodbye or tell him that he wasn’t coming home. He never told her goodbye. She would sit by the door waiting, sometimes he came, most times he didn't. Like Pam from Army Wives she left too. That was Karyn’s story…

It was her first child. A soldier married to a soldier. He was our homeboy and I was supposedly the only person that he ever saw his wife comfortable around; I made her laugh. She was pregnant when we met; they were having a little girl. Later he found out that he was being deployed even though he was soon to be a father, they prayed that he wouldn’t be sent before his child was born; he wasn’t, his orders said that he would leave 5 days after she was born. She was a new mom, prepared to watch her daughter crawl without her husband; 3 weeks after giving birth her orders said that she would leave after her 6 week check-up; they gave her 3 days to take her newborn to her mom. That was Lawson’s story…

He’d only been home a month. As they strolled through the PX a male soldier spoke, she spoke back thinking nothing of it. On the ride home he questioned her about the guy; she wasn’t sure what he was talking about. By the time they arrived home the conversation had turned into an argument, the argument turned into a fight. With hands clasped around her neck he forced her to the balcony threatening to throw her over onto the ground 15 feet below. PTSD was not an option back then; he was sentenced to 10 years. That was Eduardo's story…

Why am I saying this, well it’s by no means justification for the actions of the Major at Fort Hood nor am I making an excuse for him. When I think about him I don’t see the Muslim terrorist that he’s being labeled; I see a stressed individual that took the coward’s way out to prevent being deployed. I can’t tell you what he must have been thinking, but I can tell you what might have been going through his head the day before. Stress, Depression, Fear… Yes, life in the Army can deal you a hand that some days you can handle and some days you can’t. It can send you off to war in your right mind but bring you back depressed. It can send you off an innocent person but bring you back with blood on your hands. It can send you off trusting of others but bring you back looking over your shoulder. It can send you off with laughter in your heart but bring you back with tears in your eyes. In our minds once a soldier, always a soldier…to us the real meaning of the U.S. Army is (Uncle Same Ain’t Released Me Yet) ~Fort Hood, TX 2001-2003(Retired) TGBTG

I am a Soldier. Serving Proudly, Standing Tall.
I fight for freedom, by answering this call.
I do my job knowing the thanks it sometimes lacks.
Say a prayer that I'll come home.
It's me who has your back.
Author Unknown

~Stay Prayed Up!! Click on the Link

Monday, November 2, 2009


There is an old saying that “one thing leads to another,” and it’s true. Its funny how as time goes by something you’ve seen or done over here seems to coincide with something you’ve seen or done over there. For me it has become evident that all things work together.

Scene I – Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I purchased a small plaque that cost me about $1.00, it was a plain and simple plaque but the words written on it spoke to me as Braille speaks to the blind. I never realized how much of an impact or revelation this simple plaque would make. But, all things work together.

Scene II – Schweinfurt, Germany, several years later. Heading back to work from lunch I saw a beautiful porcelain mask that I could not take my eyes off of. It was captivating, the color and the markings were searing. Something was clearly speaking to me through this mask that I was yet to hear, but I knew in my heart that it would eventually be mine. Approximately 5:10 p.m. I was standing at the vendor’s stand purchasing that mask and a few more.

Fast forward – After I hung my faces on the wall I stepped back to admire my collection; they were exquisite! Somehow they seemed to come to life right there on my wall - it was then that I realized my porcelain faces were telling me how easy it is to hide behind a mask, especially in the military because no one knows from whence you came.

All things work together. It was becoming obvious that my plaque and masks were trying to teach me not to lose sight of who I really am, not to become so fixated on what I could pretend to be, but rather to rest in who I was made to be. Bottom line - it takes more work, and money, to be fake than it does to be “real.” A few years later I received my confirmation when a still small voice said to me, “If you impress Me, I’ll make sure you’re impressed with yourself, and then everyone around you that matters will be impressed.” TGBTG

The Plaque – "The Face in the Glass"

When fortune smiles and you’re winning life’s race
And fate stores your blues on a shelf,
Seek your reflection and examine the face
That shows the real truths of your self.

For it isn’t family or all the rest
Whose judgment you truly must pass,
The one whose verdict counts most is best
Is the face staring back from the glass.

You may fool the world everyday for years,
Drawing glory and praise by the mass,
But your final reward will be measured in tears
If you’ve cheated the face in the glass.

Wendy Lyn

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Sunday, October 25, 2009


It was a family secret, not intentionally but we never talked about it. I now know where I get it from, maybe its old school; maybe its generational; whatever it is I now have it too. I sometimes believe that if I don’t talk about it then it’s not real; that it’s really not happening. I don’t think that they really meant to keep it a secret; maybe they grieved enough when they found out, maybe they didn’t want to travel down that road again, I don’t know, I wasn’t here. Being married to a man in the military kept me out of the loop on a lot because I was away from home. Maybe they forgot to tell me; maybe they didn’t want me to worry while I was thousands of miles away in Germany. Maybe…Why didn’t I ask? Maybe I didn’t want to know…All I knew was that she was sick. When I moved back home I talked to her on the phone every other week, our conversations were powerful; anytime you talk about how good God is then it can’t help but be powerful. We had a family dinner, I think all but three or four of her nieces and nephews came – we were all home either permanently or visiting. It rained so hard, I guess the devil was trying to keep us from coming together but we made it anyway. It was a Soul Food movie moment except we had fun in the places where they had drama. My Aunt Jackie cooked most of the food – I heard that she insisted. She didn’t look sick at all – wow it can’t be that bad, I thought to myself.

The Aunt Jackie that I saw that night was her strong, fun loving self. Her smile was still beautiful; infectious. Everyone was tip toeing around her; she was walking tall around us. It was standing on her strength that made that rainy, dreary night seem like a sunny day. While there I went back to the “pink room,” this was the bedroom that I wished for when I was a little girl. I used to want to spend the night just so I could sleep in the pink room. Even during grown folks gatherings my cousin and I would slip away to the pink room when we were little girls – there was peace and solace in the pink room. Someone later told me that my aunt’s bad days and nights were spent in the pink room; we never saw these bad days and nights, she put up a good front. I think I'd been home a couple of years before I realized that my aunt had breast cancer and had been living with it for many years but was in remission while I was away; I never knew. When I think about all of the people that I have known that are living with breast cancer I am reminded of their strength. It was this year that God showed me that what appears to be strength to others is sometimes a façade; a very good front for their family and friends. As I travel down this road with one of my friends I must admit that even though she is doing great I sometimes find that it’s me that’s not strong enough. I try so hard but the “family rule” keeps surfacing and I can’t help but think that if we don’t talk about it… It never fails but no matter how much I try not to show it I usually end up leaning on her. Recently she showed me a sign of weakness and though I wasn’t ready for it I had to find the strength because I owed it to her. As she poured out her soul to me my heart was breaking because I couldn’t give her a hug; we were on the phone. Maybe a hug wouldn’t help, I don’t know…but I felt in my heart that I had to strengthen my friend and for a moment my mind went blank. How can I be strong for her? “Just pray,” came the still small voice. When you don’t know what to say, just pray…It was prayer that gave us both the strength that we needed in that moment.

Shhh… maybe if we don’t say anything it may go away. Yes, that’s my own personal curse with dealing with things that I hope I can learn to get past. I probably would have left this earth with that mentality until I recently had the privilege of seeing Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant in person. He said that “there are some things that we have to claim.” We have been taught not to claim things and yes, if it’s not a sure thing then don’t claim it but there are some things that must be claimed, because if you don’t claim it, then God can’t heal it. I love you, Aunt Jackie. I’ll be looking for you in the pink room. TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Monday, October 19, 2009


If I may borrow from one of my favorite comedians, Bernie Mack, “Okay America we’re all family, right?” If you remember I told you last week about my quest for “good hair,” well I decided this week to move on down the anatomy by trying this new craze called the Body Magic. I’m sure you’ve heard or have seen it and if you haven’t just check the link on my blog. It says I can “drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes.” I know…I know…I said the same thing too – Yeah right! But I had to give it a shot because it fell in line with my “alter ego.” I mean if you’re going to transform yourself you just can’t stop in one spot. You know what the Word says, “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” and the mind controls a whole lot of things so stopping in one spot is not a transformation. Now on to the story – when my Body Magic arrived I couldn’t wait to put it on especially since I’d seen the transformation on live models at least 5+ times by the time my box arrived. “Drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes…” did you catch the 10 minutes part? Normally 10 minutes is a short span of time if you are rushing because you need to be somewhere in 10 minutes. It’s a short span of time if I’m upstairs and need to remember to run down and pull the cornbread out of the oven in 10 minutes. In these two instances 10 minutes seems like 3 minutes but along comes the Body Magic. After researching this on Youtube and seeing this chick twice my size wiggle into the garment I felt like it would be a piece of cake. 10 minutes plus and six (6) hands later I FINALLY got this darn thing on; we pulled and pushed and squirmed and wiggled, I sweated, breathed hard and almost passed out from holding my breath. At one point I wanted to call the Fire Dept to bring in the Jaws of Life. After about 7 minutes I thought about taking it back off to see if I had the right size but the more I thought about it the more I envisioned that it would probably be easier to push a baby back into the womb than it would be to do this all over again. 10 minutes – whatever happened to 10 minutes seeming like 3 when you need it? Tug….pull…“grab it here Breyona. Shay you hold it while we pull.” Tug…pull…hop…wiggle. Who in the world thought about putting all of these little hooks on here? It must have been a man. “Can a sister get one with a zipper,” I wanted to scream but I couldn’t because I was too busy sucking it in. Is this part of my transformation really worth it? My mind was running to and fro – should I, should I not…but I continued because I was inspired by remembering how I’d seen for myself how this thing really changed the shape of others. PULL! I had a flashback of NeNe on the Real Housewives of Atlanta saying that she was a size 10. Snap, one hook…PULL! Snap, a couple more….I think I can, I think I can…My mind was on if NeNe is a size 10 then I gots (ebonics) to get this baby hooked all the way. If Mo Nique can pull off flat abs and no rolls….If this thing can raise breasts like Jesus raised Lazarus then I have to PULL!!

When all was said and done I was missing about 3 fingernails but it was well worth it. I felt like star on the red carpet as I put on my favorite winter sweater that had been folded in the drawer for almost 3 years. Looking at my before (yuck) and after picture in my sweater I became light headed; OMGosh, did I look like this? The last time I tried to wear this sweater I looked a hot mess not to mention it was like putting on the Body Magic in reverse; it was caught between my waist and shoulders and it probably took me 15 minutes to take it off. Whew…Anyway…like I was saying I literally lost 3 dress sizes in, less say, 12 ½ minutes. I couldn’t take my eyes off of me – I had a Betty Rubble figure, cleavage and my bottom was like Beyonce’s – speaking of Beyonce word on the street is that she wears this garment too. I couldn’t help spinning from the front to the back shocked that there were not visible lines not to mention rolls in my clothes. IT WORKED!!! This was certainly not my grandma’s girdle of yester year; this thing was like a second skin and after the first day it was soooo comfortable but the main thing was I was CUTE! I was nipped and tucked before my very own eyes and if the saying is true and I continue to wear this 4-6 hours a day it will reshape my body – now that’s a transformation! I’m sure you’re wondering if I am being gullible. Well believe me when I say (like I said on the last blog – you just can’t tell me anything). Plus I’ve seen it for myself with my own two eyes with another one of the distributors; she and I go back a little ways and I remember what she used to look like. I saw her walk into a room and I gasped. …if someone said to me that they saw her and she looked like this I would not have believed them or I would have assumed it was from having bypass surgery. Skeptics, yes, I’ve heard some skepticism from people but I am my own witness. According to my truck’s license plate I am ABLIEVR when God has shown me something for myself. I’ve seen, for myself, the impact that the nutritional items and the garments have made. I have friends that swear by the Levive and the Cran Aloe; these are mothers that give their children a dose of this every morning; they have nothing but great reports. I’ve also heard the story of the grandmother that used to have problems in her legs and was taking it because her daughter brought her a bottle to see if it would help; all she knew was that her pain was gone. These are the stories that I believe; stories from real people that I know personally. This is why I took 12 ½ minutes to put on my garment because I am ABLIEVR. Now can someone please go get my good hair? I can’t pull myself away from the mirror. Psst…and if someone can please call a preacher I can use some prayer to get this thing off… TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Bringing Sexy Back...Interested??

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As I was driving home from church last Sunday I was so excited about the idea of creating a new me. Every thread of my being was centered on my future; on the journey yet to come. I was marinating in the residue of the message knowing that what’s to come is greater than what has been…you see the Word says, “And we know that all things work together for good.” Whew…the anointing that’s dropping from this message is so fresh that I can still feel it in my bones so stay tuned there’s more to come from this message at a later time.

Prior to writing this I’d been joking about getting me some “good hair.” It’s not that I don’t already have “good hair,” I’ve been blessed in this area all of my life but I wanted a change – something different. I wanted a style that I was not obligated to keep. You know how it is with fads, some folks want tattoos I wanted hair even though I have enough of my own, so along came my alter ego – she’s the one that doesn’t like to sit in the salon all day and night yet she likes to be Oprah ready at a moment’s notice. Oprah ready? Well for me Oprah ready is looking a certain way when I answer the door should Oprah ever ring my door bell…Oprah ready…Now on to the beauty supply to gets (ebonics) me some good hair…As I write this I have to laugh because to me it’s so funny how other people think they can tell you what looks best on you – I know that for them they are making a sale but thank God I’m not easily swayed on the judgments of others. “Yea dat looks agood on you.” Is she looking at the same mirror that I’m looking at? “Let me see that one,” I said. It was a cute layered look; a cut that I wanted for my own hair but was too afraid that it would mess up my pony tail days. Sitting there looking like Miss Piggy she says to me again, “Yeah dat looks agood on you too.” We did this a couple more times and by now I realized that she didn’t know me, she didn’t know my style, and she didn’t know my alter ego. At this point I began the search myself – this, no, that, no until finally I saw it. All at once she came to life on my head – HOW U DEW-N? I was indeed Oprah ready from the neck up. “Let me get you another one from under the counter,” she said. “Nope, I want this one and I want a discount.”

Why am I telling you this? Well it crossed my mind as me and my good hair (ebonics) was on our way home that no one knows me like I know myself. I know what makes me look like a fool, I know what I can make look good even though it’s ugly and I know when someone is telling me something that’s just not right for me. At the end of the day I know me and the only other person that knows me better than I know myself is God. So for each new day that we are given remember that you know what’s best for you and if it settles in your spirit, then it’s great for your soul. No matter what anyone else may say – to thine own self be true! TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Monday, October 5, 2009


I have been replaying this thought in my head for days now…It is a message from God reminding me that somewhere, somehow I’ve misplaced the reverence for Him that I once had. I must admit that I can’t remember when it faded away. Could it have been when I changed churches or when I began wearing pants to church more than I wore dresses? Could it have been when I spent more time looking in the mirror for work than I did before leaving the house for church? I mean I still believed that I loved the Lord, I still trusted Him, I still prayed but I let something get in the way. It was this revelation that made me realize that I didn’t give Him the utmost respect that He is due or that He deserves. Where had it gone? When did it go? This change was gradual, one that I didn’t really notice until recently. It was a change that, once it was discovered I didn’t like the way I felt or the way I treated the Father who’d been so faithful and honest to me. Can I blame society? You know we have become a people of Jack-in-the Boxes that pop up only when tragedy or devastations strike. It’s only when towers crash to the ground, hurricanes destroy an entire city, homes are flooded or near foreclosure, marriages are broken and jobs are lost? We pop out when someone is gravely ill or when our child is strung out on drugs, it is then that we spend every available minute calling on Him to “fix it” and as soon as He does we’re back to our old selves. Can I blame my new church because they do things differently than my old church? Can I blame myself for spending more time on my feet than on my knees? Did I lose it because things have gotten so nonchalant in life and on television? Had I begun agreeing with everything and not questioning anything? Freedom of this; freedom of that… Did I put my reverence on a shelf then and forget about it?

During the ages of 18 thru 22 I lived with my grandmother. I was grown so I came and went as most grown “kids” think they can do. My Saturdays usually extended over into Sunday so for me Sundays were considered as MY day. However my grandmother, a devout Christian that I often saw reading her Bible daily and praying on her knees constantly, had several Sunday rules that no one dared to cross – one was no washing clothes on Sunday. This was God’s day…In her house if they hadn’t been washed Monday thru Saturday then they wouldn’t be washed on Sunday either. This was a small thing but for her it was her reverence. For my grandmother there were certain things that just had to be, no question, simply because of her respect for God.

Where oh where have my reverence gone…oh where oh where can it be? The Lord’s still here but my reverence is gone – and nobody’s moved it but me…Sunday, my day of worship, it shouldn’t be like my Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Sundays should be SPECIAL. The day that I worship should be the day when I release all of the hell that I’ve endured all week into the Hands of the Father and then allow Him to replenish my soul. It should be the day when, like back in the days of my grandmother, I should come in with a calmer spirit thankful for God’s grace and mercy; a day of peace and a day of rest. It is the day that should be set apart from the normal days of running to and fro, set apart from sending and answering emails on the BlackBerry, set apart from having a glass of wine or a cocktail or two with friends, a day set apart from allowing something or someone to make you angry enough to do as Peter and say a bad word or two. Yes everyday must be a day of reverence, but Sundays must be different; it must be a true day of REVERENCE. It must be a day to give back to God the respect that He so lovingly has given to me. Hmm…God deserves my respect, that’s the least I can do - so now that I know better, I must do better… TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


“I’m going through changes.” Yeah I knew this title would catch your eye because when I heard it out loud my ears perked up too. It’s naturally assumed that when you hear a person say that they “are going through changes” it is believed that they are having some “difficult” times – I thought that too but God in His infinite wisdom keeps imparting revelation into my spirit. No matter how confused I allow myself to become He reminds me that His change is ALWAYS good. For the few hours recently that I walked around perplexed God sent me word through my friend Catrell to let me know that He was in charge, that He was still in control and that nothing happens apart from His will. When I was thrust from my comfort zone He didn’t leave me in the blind for long He sent me a message to let me know that when everything changes, change everything. WOW! I hope you caught that - When everything changes, change everything. God said, “I’m going to take you through changes.” What He didn’t say was these changes would be like the streets and highways of Atlanta, they would have a few pot holes, some traffic congestion and things in the road that I’ve had to swerve around but by His Grace it’s been nothing major; what it has been is a pleasant awakening. Along this road I had to remember that God has given me something completely different, something that I’ve never had to deal with before. I must admit that it took pulling back the layers to reveal that God has only given me that which I asked for – change…(that’s why you have to be certain about the things you ask God for). We all like to ask God for things but we must remember to brace ourselves because when He does what we ask we sometimes can’t recognize it at that time. “God, change my situation…” He does but the road is bumpier than we expected, however, if we keep our trust in Him before we know it the road will have smoothed out – that’s blind faith….Yes, I’m going through changes, but the changes are good! When I thought I was lost in my journey God said, “When everything changes, change everything.” When I realized I’d been betrayed God said, “When everything changes, change everything.” When I thought that the change where I worked would bring us a positive change, God said, “When everything changes, change everything.” That simple sentence is words to live by.

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting the person that would walk in the shoes that I’d walked in for eight (8) years. During our conversation some things were revealed but I told her not to fret because I had a peace knowing that my season was over and that her season was about to begin. When everything changes, change everything…My friend Rosalyn that has known me since back in the days of size 7 has told me twice that I “looked good”– that’s God’s peace; the same peace that I’ve had since I learned that the devil was going to and fro seeking whom he could destroy. Unlike man God knew that I would be going through changes, that why He gave me a few visions, gifts and talents a long time ago. All of this was His plan…God has something in mind for my future, for my development. He is getting ready to make me great! He said that I once was a servant, but now I’m about to be served. Yes, I’m going through changes but they are good changes. God had to make me lose something in order to make me look for something. So the next time you feel like you’ve lost something just trust that the changes that you’re going through are there to make you look for what God really has in store…and never forget ~ When everything changes, change everything. TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Choosing God's Plans ~ An On Time God

I have no idea why I am still amazed by the timing of my Father's message. I know how He operates with me in that if I've felt something in my spirit that is from Him He will always send me confirmation. Yesterday I posted on Facebook that I am sooo loving this undivided attention that I've been able to give my family, especially my children. I never knew the feeling & the enjoyment of what I'd taken for granted. And though this time with my children may not last forever, the bond that has been created will... Thank You God, You are a bad Man. Today's FFTS is being borrowed from the devotional that I received today. When I saw my favorite scripture I knew that it is God's confirmation to me...He is an on time God ~ THAT'S WHY I LUV HIM LIKE I DO! Enjoy....

Choosing God's Plans
11 Aug 2009 ~ Tracie Miles

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Several years ago, I was sitting in a management meeting, when my manager suggested we kick off the meeting by allowing each person the opportunity to say what they felt was their most important contribution to the company.

One by one, each person spoke, stating things like "to decrease overall expenses," "to lower headcount," etc. When my turn came, my heart fluttered, and I felt compelled to share that I felt my primary purpose was to counsel employees, encourage them, and help them work through personal or work related issues. You could have heard a pin drop in that room, as everyone stared at me with blank faces.

You see, the months leading up to this meeting, there had been a lot of issues going on in the company. There were office politics, power struggles, lofty egos, and people had been hurt.

As a result of my position, people would often come to me for guidance. God had been leading unexpected people into my office for weeks and opened the door for me to minister to believers and non-believers with the love of Christ. He'd also given me the desire and courage to be a light for Him, in an environment that didn't operate under Christian principles. He had ordained opportunities for me to share how Jesus gives true peace and acceptance, even when people and politics cause pain and disappointment.

My supervisor was not a believer, so he didn't appreciate my answer to his question. He wanted to hear how I was going to streamline procedures and improve his department, not what was on my heart, and as a result, our relationship went downhill from there.

A year or so later, I resigned from that position. The atmosphere had simply become too difficult, but more importantly, I knew God had been nudging me to make a change. I felt called to serve in ministry and to be a stay at home mom. All that time, I had been walking in disobedience.

When I resigned, it felt like a sacrifice. However, I quickly discovered that God's plan was so much better than mine. I realized that I had been unable to understand His plan, until I was willing to lay aside my own, and that I had to choose Him, before He could show me His will for my life. Had I simply said what I knew my boss wanted to hear in that meeting, I might still be working there, climbing the corporate ladder, and striving to reach my career goals.

But God had been working on my heart for years, preparing me for that moment. He had gradually shifted my desires to building His kingdom, more so than building my resume. He had inspired me to see the hearts of the people in my office, not just the problems in the people. And He had helped me to see that lasting success and happiness could be found in Him alone, not through my own accomplishments.

Was making that change easy? Or course not. Did I have to make difficult sacrifices? Most definitely. But was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

Regardless of where you work, you can make a spiritual difference in people's lives. Whether you work in corporate offices or a Christian ministry, when facing a difficult choice, you can trust that God has prepared and equipped you for such a time as this. Pray for strength to stand up for God's truth, even against all odds, and ask Him to lead you in your decisions.

Choosing Christ's plans, over our own plans, will always result in more peace or blessing than we could never imagine.

Dear Lord, it is not always easy to stand up for You in the face of opposition, or to make choices that seem outside of our understanding. I seek Your guidance, and Your divine wisdom and discernment regarding the decisions in my life. I do desire to do Your will. Thank You for never leaving me. Please help me to be strong in You, and for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Do You Remember?

Although it’s been over a month it seems like our beloved Michael Jackson is still on the minds of America and the world. Not a day goes by that something is not mentioned about him, his family, his talent, the dreaded Joe Jackson, etc. It seems like people just can’t get enough and I think it will be a loooong time before they will. It’s sad when you think about it but I believe if all of this “positive” attention had been poured on him when he was alive it probably could have prevented his death – you know it’s true that people just want to feel appreciated; we all do. You know the saying, “Give me my flowers while I am alive” and “People may forget what you’ve said or forget what you’ve done but they will never forget how you’ve made them feel.” Well on to my story…..When I think of the many MJ songs Remember the Time keeps creeping up into my psyche though it’s not one of my favorites; I’m an old school MJ fan from back in the Jackson 5 days, but I can give credit where credit is due. Recently while out and about this song kept popping up in my head. So travel with me down memory lane with this simple question, “Do you remember?”

Do you remember when customer service was really about making sure that the customer was satisfied? Do you remember when television had only a few channels and families watched wholesome TV shows? Do you remember when football in Buffalo had snow on the football field in the winter? Do you remember when football players played for the “love of the game” and not for the mega millions? Do you remember when a person gladly came out to “fill ‘er up” at a gas station and cleaned your windows while you waited? Do you remember when you could give your name, address and phone number and not worry about identity theft? Do you remember when people had heart and it really bothered them to do a person wrong? Do you remember when a child stayed in a child’s place and all it took was a look? Do you remember when children respected ALL adults? Do you remember when good old-fashioned soap and water did the trick? Do you remember when you could prick your finger and become blood relatives without the fear of HIV? Do you remember when sex was safe, or so we thought? Do you remember when a man opened the door for a woman because that’s how he was raised? Do you remember chicken and dumplings? Do you remember when going to the country, from Atlanta to Powder Springs took almost 2 hours? Do you remember when a man’s word was his bond? Do you remember that the homeless were just a few hobos living on the railroad tracks? Do you remember when songs were about how much I love you and not about what I want to do to you? Do you remember when we took care of our own and let grandmama, granddaddy, or our great grandparents stay with us because we could take care of them better than any nursing home? Do you remember when all stores were closed by 10:00 p.m.? Do you remember when church was CHURCH? Do you remember when you could shake your pastor’s hand EVERY Sunday? Do you remember when men were men and women were women? Do you remember when men looked like men and women looked like women? Do you remember when the teacher had permission to spank you? Do you remember when slips were worn with skirts and dresses? Do you remember when the whole family went to the drive-in movie? Do you remember when teeth were white simply because you brushed them? Do you remember when it was okay to drink & drive (or so it seemed)? Do you remember when it took a baby almost 6 months to roll over? Do you remember when cars were tuned up and spark plugs were replaced? Do you remember when computers were a “yeah, right” thing of the future? Do you remember when a fight only involved feet, hands and every now and then teeth? Do you remember when you could give a person a ride without fear of losing your life or your car? Do you remember when everybody had a 22 or 38 hid in the car or the house? Do you remember when a child knew NOT to mess with mama or daddy’s 22 or 38? Do you remember when Stevie Wonder’s braids were where his forehead ended? Do you remember when Black men would bend over backwards to please a Black woman? Do you remember when Black men TREATED Black women with respect? Do you remember when a date was JUST dinner and a movie? Do you remember when we truly respected our elderly? Do you remember when you pulled over to the store to use the pay phone? Do you remember when the person you worked for had respect for the person they worked with? Do you remember that all it took was knowing that mama or grandmama ‘don prayed about it? Do you remember…….? TGBTG

P.S."Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring - all of which have the potential to turn a life around" ~Leo Buscaglia

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Monday, July 20, 2009

Job 42:10

If you’ve ever read or tried to read the book of Job you probably stopped somewhere in the middle because it’s a long, confusing and I must admit boring read. For me the summation of this book in the Bible was good enough – God allowed Satan to take everything from Job except his life; Job kept his trust in God and was given double for his trouble – the end. Yesterday my co-pastor preached a message from the book of Job that put that scripture in a whole different light for me. She started with the chapter and verse that gives the plot of the story (Job 1:1-12) and then she went to Job 42:10; it was here that she blew it out of the water. Thrice she said “prayed for his friends.” As I was leaning towards reminding myself that I needed to pray more for my friends it hit me who the “friends” were that Job had to pray for. These “friends” came to Job with ill advice – you know the kind – they are the “if it were me” kind of friends. We all have them and maybe at times we have been one of them. “Prayed for his friends.”

Before I give away the title of her message I have to share how God gave me the correlation and the revelation this morning between her message and my morning prayer. For years now I’ve always included these words in my prayers, “God, I pray for my family, my friends, and even my enemies.” I don’t know when or why it started but it has become a ritual. Maybe it started because at one time my enemies were once my friends – hmmm I think that’s it. “….and even my enemies.” Don’t get me wrong praying for your enemy takes skill. I first had to find a place to put my tongue; the roof of my mouth, in my jaw, somewhere away from my teeth to make certain that I didn’t bite it. It was hard…Every time I thought of what turned my friend into my enemy praying for them was the last thing that came to mind. Every time I thought of them in general my heart hardened and I thought more of vengeance than of prayer. “God, I didn’t do anything to deserve this, I’ve been nothing more than a friend. Why me?” I prayed more for myself. My aunt (God rests her soul) counseled me often giving me a scripture that made my enemies my footstool. “Read it everyday,” she would tell me, “and see how God will handle them.” She was right.

Job. Job’s devastations were many but they were all allowed by God even though they came from the hands of Satan. He lost everything. My co-pastor reminded us Job lost his oxen and donkeys, he lost his sheep, his camels, his servants and finally he was told that he lost his most precious gift; his children. As she put it Job had 10 obituaries to write, 10 children to bury all in the same day; yet in the midst of his grief he trusted God. He believed in God even when his helpmeet and his “friends” told him otherwise. For 30-something chapters Satan did all that he could but Job trusted God. Job went through hell – he felt like hell – he looked like hell but he continued to trust God. In the midst of all of his pain he poured out his soul to God and then he listened as God pour out His soul to him.

So if you are going through what seems like many trials and tribulations. If you’ve lost things that are important to you. If you’re wondering if you will ever make a way out of no way. If you’ve spent more time talking and listening to others rather than to God–keep trusting in God and remember Job 42:10. Pray for your “friends” because Job 42:12 is but a prayer away. God will bless the latter more than the first and it is then that you can “Tell All of My Haters, I’m Back!” TGBTG


Friday, June 26, 2009

When One Door Closes

When man thinks he’s closed one door God opens many doors, windows, cracks and crevices. In fact in His Word He says that He will open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out a Blessing that you won’t have room enough to receive it. Man? God? When I think of the two I am reminded of what my baby sister Charleen said in her squeaky little voice, “Who you gon’ believe?” I don’t know if Charleen remembers saying this but she did many years ago when she was ministering to either her biological sister Cheryl (my best friend) or me. I can’t remember the crisis but I remember her question – who you gon’ believe? Those words spoke volumes to both Cheryl and I even though at the time we laughed at not what she said, but how she said it. It’s been a few years since she said it, but we find ourselves coming back to her statement quite often; usually we either begin or end it with a chuckle as we mock the squeaky voice. However in reality if we put aside how she said it and think about the way she said it what we’d find would be determination. “Who you gon’ believe?!!”

As I was writing another article I went to my files and opened this out of curiosity. I wasn’t sure if I’d already sent this because it sounded familiar but it was just what I needed for the message I received on yesterday. I didn’t know if I would share this personal message with my blog but God reminded me that sometimes you get a blessing to be a blessing; so I must be obedient. The message I received came to me right after I sent out my last blog It’s But Only for a Moment but I never got a chance to read it. At the time I was so engrossed with the flesh that the devil thought I’d let it slip through my fingers; he was wrong. Even though it was caught up in my old email address that I no longer had I called my friend and asked him to resend it. Most of you have heard me mention my friend Catrell in a previous article or two. WOW!! The people that God places in our lives, even if it’s only for a season. Catrell is young enough to be my mmm nephew (yeah that’s it-LOL) but the wisdom that God has placed in his spirit has always left me thankful and honored that our paths have crossed. Anyway as I was driving I remembered the email and that I needed to have him resend it; I text, he text back; he called and I was busy. This went on a couple of times before we finally connected. As I shared some things with him I could tell that a light bulb had gone off and he said, in a calm voice, “you have to read the email, I just sent it.” Later I made a stop and I noticed the light blinking on my phone reminding me of the email. “Wow, this is going to be good,” I thought – little did I know. As I moved from what Catrell was saying to me to what God was speaking through him tears instantly began flowing down my face. I couldn’t compose myself nor did I want to even if it meant that people were probably wondering what must have happened in such a short amount of time. I couldn’t contain myself because now I understood why. I even understood why the devil didn’t want me to see this email because he wanted me to remain “confused,” but God is not a God of confusion and even though Catrell lives in another state he was the messenger from God.

Will I share some of it with you? Yes. I was blessed to be a blessing. Somebody needs to know that God is in control. God told me He was in control in one of my favorite scriptures Jer. 29:11. To my friend Catrell – I have a couple of “Gail’s” and you, my friend; will be my “Stedman” (we just won’t share a bed).


~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's But Only for a Moment

For months now I have tried to find the right article for the song that I am using but it was never the right fit, never the right time. It used to sit waiting for my article that would be used to explain how God has developed me. I never imagined that I would be using it for such a time as this, but God always has a plan.

The other day I was sharing some news about my future at MSM with my friend Erica, I was sure that by now she’d heard but the look on her face said otherwise. With her mouth opened in shock she looked at me in disbelief I suppose waiting for the “gotcha” that never came. At some point she simply said, “Girl, if it wasn’t for the God in you.” I guess she could sense the peace in my spirit and on that note I had to give her a High 5 to co-sign. As my mental faculties played in the rewind mode, I had to admit that she was right – it had to be the God in me which has allowed the peace to surpass all understanding; especially when I am reminded of how cunning my adversaries have been. While removing the knife from my back I had to give myself a pat because back in the day….. Sorry but in my effort to maintain my Holy Ghost I won’t go into details but stay tuned; I think the sequel to this I’ll call He Gave Me Double for My Trouble. Peace – what man meant for my bad God is going to use it for my good. Many of you already know that I am a woman of confirmation so it’s only fitting that God would send just what I need when I need it. It wasn’t but a few hours later that T.D. Jakes blessed me with confirmation after confirmation; the title of his sermon was The Master’s Mysterious Plan – OMGosh!!!!! I thought I was going to have to glue my feet to the floor because I was about to shout out of the front door and up the street when his story began to unfold about the plans of the enemy. Bishop Jakes reminded me that Jesus and Joseph both had people that had been close to them but yet they turned out to be adversaries that tried to destroy them. God, being God and God alone, used the plots set against them to push them into their destiny. Excuse me – Praise Break!! “One day,” God shared with me, “I will come to appreciate their persecution and my affliction.” It was this that reminded me of the scripture I prayed from Romans 8:28 at my old church. After the service my aunt who was visiting from Houston said that I prayed with such an anointing that it brought her to tears. Could it have been for such a time as this? Yes it will all work together – the plot set before me will be the wings that God uses to bring me to the place He wants me to be. God has included this in the quilt of my destiny.

So as I close, probably from the last time from THIS station, I want to remind you that should you find yourself with an affliction caused by man just know that it’s only for a moment; know that it’s in the Master’s plan. Someone said to me, “You’ll be alright, you have a husband.” True, but I’ll be alright because I have God & as long as I have Him then NO weapon formed against me will prosper. Why do I still wear the smile, it's because God said, “Don’t worry. I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you." God is preparing a table before me...and He will make their plot serve HIS plan as long as I surrender all. ~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) KTIG (Keep Trusting in God).

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Monday, May 4, 2009


Unfortunately for quite a few of my friends, those that I know personally, those that I associate with occasionally and those that I’ve recently met through my blog, you are traveling down a road that I’ve treaded upon for almost 20 years - this will be your first Mother’s Day without your mother. Will it be hard? Yes. Will it get easier? Ummm….some years it will be a little easier but it takes time. For me 20 years later still seems like yesterday….

Mother’s Day….Around this time of year I find myself writing about how much I miss my mom or how much I appreciate all that she’s done, all that she was, and all that she still is in my life. With each letter typed I find myself misting up and usually by the middle or end of my article I’m in tears. As I cry a little and write a little I often find laughter in the middle of my tears – tears then laughter - it’s like that sometimes AND yes, it’s okay. Okay? Yes it’s okay to cry about missing your first love. I do it all the time – at home, on the way to work, when I’m stressed and need someone to talk to, when I hear a song that reminds me of her, and when I realize how much of our lives she’s missed – I can’t help it. However, the one thing that I’ve taught myself over the years is that it’s okay to cry. I have messed up many a morning make-up but its okay…God knows that my heart is heavy that’s why He sends me a rainbow of laughter in the midst of my pain.

As I was preparing for something to write this year I wanted to do something a little different than in years past. My mind drifted to all of the small sacrifices that she’s made, the little things that didn’t seem like much back then. As I was thinking about my mom, Ms. Virginia (as she was called by my friends), God gave me a strengthener for 2009 in a song that I remember from way back in the day but never associated it with my mother. This, He knew, would explain how she was able to do all that she did; how she was able to make the big and the small sacrifices. It would give me answers to questions that I’m just now asking. In the middle of April as I was cleaning house God put an unexpected smile on my face. “This,” He dropped in my spirit, “is the song that will sum up all that you have said to her, tried to write to or about her, or have felt for her the last 20 years. It will explain how.” This year God found a way to dry my tears.

Bishop T.D. Jakes wrote a book, Mama Made the Difference. Well, yes she did. And in the middle of April, as I danced around in my bathroom, I began to understand how she was able to love me unconditionally even when I tried her patience. I began to understand how she was able to have just the right touch, the right heart, the right words and the right devotion that allowed her to love 4 children separately but equally. So Mama, surprisingly this year I write my article not in tears but with the smile I had as I danced around my bathroom; a smile is what you would have wanted from me. Happy Mother’s Day Mama - as always I’m forever loving you and I hope that I’m still making you proud.

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Friday, April 17, 2009


“Man God don blessed dem wit a 4-bedroom house and she act like she don’t want nobody staying wit her.” Those were the words of a group of young men on the rail as I rode downtown to attend my department’s working retreat. It shocked me to hear spite in their tone, especially when it became obvious that they were upset about someone else’s “blessing.” Who were they to slam someone for having something that they could have had also. Unfortunately my own personal experience with this type of behavior doesn’t make it too hard to believe that they were mad because she had what one of them needed. She had a house; he needed a place to stay. Bailout…

As I continued to listen to their foolishness I couldn’t help but see that this recession has brought out the laziness in some people. Though times really have become hard people seem to expect someone to help them when they can’t, or worse, won’t help themselves. Don’t get me wrong I believe in helping others and I don’t mind lending a helping hand to those really in need but it bothers me that people are becoming content with being trifling. When I heard the young men discussing this the first thing that popped in my head was, “You just can’t help some people.” A day or two later my brother Terrance confirmed by remarking that he had a conversation with someone and found it strange that for over 6 months this person was taking their time with getting their life together; they were okay living off of someone else. Bailout… Today when I asked my friend Catrell how was life since he moved back to DC he commented that he’d grown tired of going out of his way to help people. It was draining always being on the giving end. Bailout…I meant to remind him of what I told him before he left Atlanta; something that I learned when we moved back home. “Just because they’re family doesn’t mean that you give more than you keep.” Trellie (my name for him) and I would laugh often about our tales of woe when it came to family. I had many horror stories of when we moved home and how it seemed like every week somebody “needed” something. Little did I know then but we were providing a Bailout…With our bailout people borrowed but never paid back. People stole what they thought we wouldn’t miss. People called with sob stories for this and for that. For my husband reality set in when family begged us to help them repair their home; we found out later that they’d also received a loan from someone else for the same repair – we never saw the $700 again. Reality for me was finding out that family had more than enough money in the bank but watched us rob Peter to pay Paul to help my brother with his college tuition after his funding came up short. He's a lot like me, not wanting to bother anyone so he decided that he would sit out a year. I could see his disappointment so I was determined to make it happen. Did the family with the money in the bank offer to repay or even pay half? Did you? “Man, God don blessed dem…” I guess that’s foreign for it’s alright to take advantage of “dem.” Bailout; everybody thinks they deserve a bailout. I had a phone call from someone that called the day before they had to move out; apparently they had no regard for how this would impact my life; in their mind it was no biggie because “God don blessed dem.” Bailout....I took my niece in without any offered assistance from her parents because “God don blessed dem.” They continue to live life as usual while I became “the parent” and paid for dance class, uniforms, cell phone, school fees and all of the other "auntie I have to have." Bailout....

Since hearing the selfish remarks from the young men on the rail I’ve made a decision that the next time somebody “reminds” me that God don blessed me. Maybe I'll remind them that maybe God don blessed me because I'm always on the giving and helping-out end. I'm always the one worried at night about someone else's troubles while they are sound asleep. I’m going to remind them that God is no respecter of person and what He's done for me He will or may already have done for them. I'm going to remind them that as long as they eat out when they want, get their hair done while I touch up my edges, can afford mani-pedis while I paint my own, and have the latest ring tone on their cell while I stick to the standard then apparently God don blessed dem too. Maybe I should ask dem can they help a sistah out; I'd like to get my toes done once in a while. Hey, can I get a Bailout?

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK


I could tell by the tone of my daughter Breyona’s voice that it is beginning to bother her more and more that people at her school are comparing her to her sister Shay. “You would never know that they were sisters or they are totally opposite,” they say to or in front of her. Yes they are different, but similar…. Shay is more like me, she WILL be seen and Bree is more reserve, like her dad, often times trying NOT to be seen. The big sister in Bree wants to stand in defense of her little sister yet the child in her wants to respect the adults and her classmates who make these comments that apparently are becoming hurtful. It’s true that Shay has had her share of challenges as it relates to adjusting to her new school; she’s been thrust into a “middle school” environment with an elementary school mentality going from milk to solid foods almost overnight and it’s difficult for her to swallow. On occasion, during my visits to help Shay stay on task I, too, have encountered communication and comparisons between the lion (Shay) and the lamb (Bree). Unfortunately this morning at 1:44 a.m. God thought that He should remind me that they are two yet one. “Don’t you remember all of the times that you’ve had to go to Breyona’s school to put her in check,” He asked? Yeah God, but did we have to go down this road at 2 in the morning? Well I guess it’s true that His ways are not my ways…..As I tossed and turned I began to have flashbacks of, “Ms. Jackson, can I speak to you for a minute” when Bree was in her 3 yr old class. What flooded my mind was that it seemed like every day there was a “report.” As I write this I can’t help but laugh when I remember the look on her teacher’s face one day when I picked her up from school. Apparently during lunch he discovered that while he was away washing his hands Bree swiped his sandwich out of his bag and was eating it when he returned. Kindergarten and a new school were no different; she was into everything. Fortunately this school was closer and my pop up visits to chat with the teacher and snatch her up was easier. By the second round of kindergarten she was in a charter school and things weren’t as bad or maybe my memory is cloudy because it’s the wee morning hours but yonder (as the old folks say) comes 1st and 2nd grade – can somebody say “demon.” I don’t know what jumped into that child but I remember the phone calls and just like now a chill runs up my spine when I notice the familiar number that often comes up on my caller ID. This particular time, in 2nd grade, we’d decided that on Wednesdays when my husband was off he would be charged with running up to the school and handling her should a problem arise. Unfortunately one Wednesday he was nowhere to be found which meant I was the recipient of the dreaded phone call. In order to keep my promise to her meant I had to drive from West End to Union City and yes I was angry by the time I arrived at the school – long story short she was checked out, was back in school for lunch and I was on my way back to work all in a 45 minute time span. Problem solved? Yeah right! Fast forward - Here comes 6th grade and the first year of her “middle school” environment that her sister is now experiencing. Well most of you receiving this know how the story with Breyona ended and with the exception of a few bumps in the road since then she is on target and heading in the right direction. So at 2:04 a.m. God said, “Lest we forget? It’s not that Shay isn’t getting it; it’s just not her time.” Daily He keeps reminding me that Shay, like myself and all of us are STILL a work in progress; He gives us new mercies every day. Perfection? Naw, He walked on water so we wouldn’t have to. As their mommy I see them walking in their dream with nothing holding them back. With Shay when I look at her I see a future surrounded by soooo much great potential; she’s going to surprise a lot of people – that’s my Diddy (Sean Combs), my Oprah, my diamond in the rough. At 2:11 a.m. God said, “Lest we forget? Yes, she and Breyona are more alike than others will ever know.

So to those of you that are dealing with your lion and wondering why they are not like your lamb God says that they are children and “when you are a child you speak, think, and act as a child….” Lest we forget?

Thanks God, I got the message, its 3:01 a.m. can I go to sleep now?

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What a fabulous Easter Sunday! Church was on fire! Not to be distracted by Easter outfits our church many years ago decided to worship in white shirts and blue jeans – casual - but the sea of white shirts sent a message that I had not received in years past; yesterday the white stood out so much so that even my daughter Breyona commented on how beautiful it was. Our mass choir blessed us and had the congregation on their feet - “Don’t cry, wipe your eyes…He’s not dead…Nooooo. Don’t weep He’s not asleep….” I didn’t realize that this was a Kirk Franklin song. After our second selection the dance ministry brought tears to many eyes with their rendition of the crucifixion and resurrection. What a powerful message for the seasoned and the babes in Christ. And then my pastor….Everything that happened was a resurrection in and of itself. POWERFUL!!

That evening while still on cloud nine I called my friend Nita in Virginia to send Easter wishes. I could tell that something was strange in her voice; she didn’t sound like her usual self. Her conversation was foggy and from what I could gather life had been throwing tumultuous blows the last few months. That explained a lot because I hadn’t heard from my friend in awhile and usually all it takes is just thinking about her and she would call me out of the blue. As we continued to talk the conversation became unbalanced – she was negative and I was still on the high from church. I can’t recall what we were talking about but I said, “Girl, just let go and let God.” What came out of her mouth shocked me – it was something condescending. Was this my friend Anita?

Just a brief history. When I met Anita in Texas she was going to church when I was still being “churched” by my grandmother; she had a strong personal relationship with God and I just knew Him as my grandmother’s Lord. She was in church every Sunday and I, maybe one Sunday a month (thanks to my friend Janice). Nita was on fire for the Lord; she was also a true friend that never put herself above “the sinner.” After we moved home and she moved to the east coast she and her girls visited me; by then I was a babe in Christ. The anointing that surrounded her blew me away – years later I shared with her that her daughter ignited my thirst for the Word during their visit when she casually said to Anita “Oh mom…Count it all joy.” This, from the mouth of an 11 year old when she realized that car troubles would delay their departure. Count it all joy…James 1:2. God kept Anita around for an extra day because while I was at work she went through my house speaking in tongues, blessing, and casting out anything that wasn’t of or from God.

When I hung up the phone Easter Sunday I knew that my friend would be alright. “Time Lord….I’ll just give her a little time,” I thought as I said a prayer for her. “She’ll be alright….She knows how faithful You are….It was HER child that taught me as an adult to count it all joy when you fall into divers temptation for the testing of your faith produces patience.” It was then that I remembered the focus scripture from my pastor’s message on today. Luke 24:8 “And they remembered His words.”

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Was I

I’m sure that most of you are or were feeling like I was about starting a new year. With a new president and high hopes for tomorrow we believed that 2009 was the start of a brighter day. I know that it wasn’t going to happen overnight; I’m smart enough to know that things wouldn’t turn around that fast, but a new year brings new expectations – expectations that things will be better than before….hmmm.
As I sorted through the bills that seem to come more regularly I wondered how I often end up with more bills at the end of the month than money. As I look at the envelope I found myself asking a bill, “Didn’t I just pay you?” I couldn’t believe it when the bill spoke back, “yup.” What am I doing wrong? “God, why has thou forsaken me?” I asked. I could remember the days when I used to make ends meet; now it seems that they just get close enough to wave at each other. I scan through my checkbook wondering if I splurged unnecessarily – sure there’s a couple of trips to Walmart where I could have stuck to picking up the things that were on my list, could that be it? As I listened to the stories around me, stories from family, friends, and strangers that were dealing with their own economic downfall I wondered how long would it be before life got better? “Ummm God, can you hear us down here?” It was then that He showed me the big picture. Life is not only hard for those of us that are barely making ends meet, but life is becoming harder for those that watched the poor get poorer – the stock market crashed, gas prices skyrocketed, investments gone, banks closings, bailouts, the economy in a downward spiral – we are all one people now. “But hey Big Fella, I’m already a believer, You don’t have to put me in the category of those that don’t know how struggling feels.” “Ummm, God??? I could really use some help down here.” It was then that the still small voice spoke clearly, “What have you done for Me lately?” He said, “Tell your family, friends, and strangers that they spend so much time talking, texting, and emailing other people about their problems but very few kneel down and tell Me.” God said throughout all your problems I was here, I never left you even thou most days you turned your back to me – yeah those were the days when you were too busy? Remember when you didn’t pray or seek My counsel but just moved on your own, well guess who was there when it blew up in your face? God said all you had to do was just ask; just look to the hills from whence cometh your help, your help comes from the Lord; just ask. God said tell everybody that it was I that was here with open arms when you came back; I didn’t turn my back to you. Didn’t I tell you that I would never leave you nor forsake you, but did you trust Me? He said, My child, it was I that miraculous put money in your pocket to pay $90 a week to gas up your truck. It was I that filled your tank like I filled the widower’s jars with oil. He said tell everybody that I put food on their table and fed them when they didn’t have enough food in their fridge to make a meal. Didn’t I tell you that I would set a table before you? It was I that heard them cry at night; I wiped their tears and made a way out of no way. God said I made ends meet for you; I opened up the windows of heaven when your friend needed to pay college tuition for two children in the same week and it was I that was there when they needed more money than expected. Me, Jehovah Jireh. I provided for your other friend when she needed a new transmission; only I can take a car broken on Saturday and have it ready on Monday. I provided for your husband when his truck broke down on the expressway; only I can have a truck fixed in the parking lot of a closed automotive shop on Sunday that broke down on Saturday. Tell your friends that it was I that changed the doctor’s reports; somebody thought one thing but I AM GOD! I kept your travels safe when danger was around you. I woke you up this morning. I brought you through the valley of the shadows of death. Hey little fellas, it was I!! Ummm Folks, can you hear Me up here? God said, Sandy, things are rough right now but trouble don’t last always. I told you not to worry, to lay your troubles on the altar. Everything that comes upon you give it to Me, turn and walk away. I want you to tell Me that you don’t know how you are going to pay this bill or that bill, how you’re going to keep a roof over your head. Ask Me what should you do when you’re having problems in your marriage, on your job, in your finances, with your family, with your children. Call, text, or email Me first; My calls are free... Oh yeah, and when I deliver you from the snares of the enemy; don’t be ashamed to shout and give Me the glory! Don’t act like you did it all on your own. Don’t be ashamed to tell someone how good I am. Stop and say, “HE, ALONE, is God!!” Ummm folks, can you hear Me up here?

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Everything and every circumstance today seem to end up turning into a reality show. One day while flipping through the channels I saw a show called “Snapped” which I discovered was about real life stories of people that have “snapped” mentally, I suppose. This show was somewhat gruesome and I couldn’t believe that people were now capitalizing on the mental breakdowns of others. Gosh…the things we let entertain us. Speaking of entertainment I must admit that I am so sick and tired of the Chris Brown/Rihanna drama. It started out with everyone talking about how Chris Brown snapped on Rihanna and left her beaten, bloodied, and alone on the side of the road. Afterwards, when it became apparent that she’d forgiven him television shows from Entertainment Tonight and TMZ to radio shows and domestic violence blogs continued to insist that we focus on two kids in the entertainment business rather than addressing that something is causing people all over the world to “snap.” The Brown/Rihanna situation reminds me of the Michael Vick crisis – though his actions were wrong we forgot that there are far more important issues happening in American today; such as people living on the streets, parents struggling to feed their family and let’s not forget that people are killing people every day. Society has forgotten what’s more important; they would rather we step over our hungry children and our homeless men and women and fight to the death to defend a dog. Domestic violence…a very serious situation but it didn’t start with Chris Brown and Rihanna. It started many years ago… Domestic violence – violence against a human – where are the people and the picket signs?

Back to the story – like I said people are snapping every day. The young father that killed his wife and three children because both he and his wife had been laid off. The man that jumped from an over-pass onto one of the busiest highways in Atlanta. People that have lost everything trusting others with their life savings. Yes, every day, somewhere, somebody is struggling with something that will make them snap. Unfortunately circumstances can and will cause you to snap unexpectedly. I remember writing an article a few years ago that talked about the mind; it was titled “It Could Have Been Me.” The revelation from that was that no one knows what was going on in someone else’s mind – we can read body language, sometimes eyes, sometimes emotions but no one can read the mind unless you open that door. Snapping – it happens to all of us. When I go to my children’s school and discover that they are not making an effort even though I work hard to give them ALL that they need and MOST of what they want I find myself snapping. When I always seem to be giving and giving more of myself while others are taking and taking I find myself snapping. When my job expects me to move mountains, walk on water and part the Red Sea all in the same hour I find myself snapping. Yes, the actions of one thing can cause a reaction in another. The mind is fragile and yet it controls everything. Snapping – everyone snaps in some form or fashion. Do you find yourself mentally drained and the least little thing sets you off? If so, then you’re about to snap. Have you found yourself with your head in your hands crying your eyes out wondering how you’re going to make ends meet? You’re about to snap. If you can’t stop crying and you don’t know why. You’re about to snap.
Last week I had the pleasure of meeting a group of people from different walks of life – everyone had a story; no two were the same. Though I couldn’t relate to a lot of their stories, God put me in their path for a very good reason; I learned more about myself and what I need to do to better myself. The last two nights of this session God placed me in the path of a young lady with a lot on her mind. As I write this I recall that when I first saw her I looked at her and turned away. A second later I turned back and apologized for not speaking to her. I said, “I’m sorry, I looked you right in your face and didn’t speak, my mother would be so ashamed.” She smiled and we found ourselves sitting next to each other. She had a quiet spirit, unlike me, and I think I helped her to open up. That night while she was waiting for her ride I asked her where they were coming from, to gauge how long she would have to wait; I was thinking that maybe I needed to sit and wait with her. I didn’t expect that her ride would be coming from where I was going, but God…I took her home this night and the next night I offered to take her home because I was going that way to the store. During the drive home I could tell that she was bothered by something and she shared some of her story. She told me that she can’t talk to a lot of people about her business but that something in me made her open up. As we continued to drive she received a phone call and when she hung up she tried to share some of it with me. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her and two or three times she paused and said, “Jesus,” in a soft voice. It gave me the feeling that in her heart she was thinking I can’t win for losing. She rested her head in her hand and I continued to drive. I didn’t pry but quietly prayed asking God to relieve her of the weight on her shoulders because at that moment I knew that my sister was snapping. “Be kinder than necessary – everyone we meet is moving through some kind of issue that is invisible to the rest of us.” -unknown

~Stay Prayed Up!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Many of you emailed or called to ask what the letters NSBIG stood for and as I promised it shall be revealed in a minute, but first the story.

NSBIG is an acronym for a group of strong words that were placed in my spirit early Saturday morning March 1, 2008. Rarely do I date my reflections within the body of the message, but to me this revelation and date has a special meaning. The words to NSBIG came about through two separate extremes that I experienced as I chaperoned my oldest daughter’s 6th grade class to CNN on Friday, February 29th. (Remember, this was in 2008). Since this date only comes around every four years the revelation received will always have a significant meaning to me. Also, this was my first field trip this year and it was like you would expect any trip with 80+ sixth graders to be – sometimes loud, but surprising very controlled. KIPP S. Fulton has a way of getting the kid’s attention with clap, clap “Ago” which means, May I have your attention? The kids respond with clap, clap “Amay” which means, Yes, you may - that’s Swahili. Okay, now back to the story – the 1st extreme.

After our tour of CNN the kids were excited about buying food from the food court; even though many nutritious bag lunches had been prepared the kids had their own money and were dying to spend it. In fact one charming young lady told me that money burns a hole in her pocket; I laughed to myself because I knew that life would teach her a valuable lesson sooner than she wants. As Ms. Thomas and I began splitting our sections to go into four separate ways the kids noticed what appeared to be a homeless man sitting alone. They began to make remarks and some even frowned up their faces in disgust – which made for a great opportunity for me to give them a mini life lesson that this person could one day be them. With a stern look on my face I turned to them and said that regardless of how a person may look everyone deserves to be treated with respect; I then led by example by placing my just purchased Chick-fil-A meal on his table as I passed by. As we looked around we noticed more “unfortunate” people and we began to bless them with the bag lunches that were left over. The following day, Saturday morning, while replaying this in my head I said to myself that I wished I’d left these gentlemen with some profound wisdom; something other than the usual “God bless you.” “God,” I said, “Should I find myself in a situation such as this, please tell me what to say that will bless their souls.”

Fast forward – the 2nd extreme.

As were standing in line preparing to leave CNN the kids started to go wild. What!?! What!?! I thought to myself. I turned to see what they were screaming about – it was Raven Symone looking GORGEOUS!! Raven was there to promote a movie, but she kindly walked over to our very loud group of screaming kids and chatted for a second. Before she left she squatted down in the middle to allow us to take pictures of her and the kids - the few minutes that she spared with them made a huge impact and impression – the kids were on Cloud Nine; some even cried.

That Saturday as I was replaying both, reflecting on the “two extremes” and the impact that both made on MY life my mind drifted to my request of God for profound words of wisdom that could be used should I find myself in the 1st extreme situation once again. Through one eye I saw the homeless man and through the other eye I saw Raven Symone. It was then that God drew both eyes together and simply said, in His still small voice, “Tell them NSBIG – Never Stop Believing in God.”

~Stay Prayed Up!

Friday, February 20, 2009


What in the (yep, I’m going to say it) hell is wrong with our children today? Stupid is not a word that I like to use, but most of these kids are growing up “stupid.” As much as I try to remind myself that different times bring different ideas some things are down right stupid. My daughter Shay came running to me telling me that she & Breyona saw Bree’s old dance group in a video; she was all excited trying to show me the dance that, once I saw it I knew that it must have originated with something or someone foolish. “Stanky Leg” Come on now…! Somebody must have been sitting around partaking of some illegal substance and came up with this. For this “stupid” is the word that I will use. What in the (nope, I won’t say it again) is a stanky leg? I asked my children and they couldn’t give me an answer, so my question to them was, “What is it about that dance that makes sense to you?” “Well mommy, I just like doing it,” was their response. “Mommy, Breyona was killin’ it,” Shay said. My first thought was to YouTube the video to see Bree and her friend Bria’s old dance mates; it took all that I could stand to sit there through that mess looking for the dancers from Phase II. This video showed me a bootleg version of a real dance from long ago; I’ll even go as far as give it a little bit of a one leg Elvis Pressley, but come on now….Ugghhhh! I can’t imagine somebody doing this in a club without looking like they are about to have a seizure or that they were shaking off a cat. If memory serves me correctly lately our children have been mimicking dances that really are just plain stupid – lean wit it rock it; pop, lock, and drop it; it’s going down (looks like you’re starting a motorcycle); soulja boy, lipstick, bird walk and now this – stanky leg.

Had I not had the pleasure of meeting a nice young man the other day I would be terribly worried about this next generation; mine included, especially when you don’t think that there’s something wrong with the name of a dance without a meaning. Come on now…. One evening my children and I were leaving Kroger when I saw him walking to their car with his mother. I couldn’t help but notice the back of his bomber jacket, which he wore proudly; it simply said Ron Clark Academy. As I stopped his mother my first question to her was, “How do you like the school?” She beamed and that was more than enough; she didn’t need to explain. I mentioned that it was my desire to enroll Bree in RCA but it wasn’t open when she transitioned from fourth to fifth grade. Ron Clark is the kind of school that is best started in the 5th because each grade level progresses from the last. The mom said that the school interviewed both she and her son separately and it was then that he chimed in. My attention had been on the mom but as I looked down I saw great possibilities. Here I was looking into the eyes of a young man, a 6th grader that looked better than some of the adult men that I’d been around all day. He had a very nice haircut, uniform slacks, shirt and a tie. He was your typical kid but you could tell that he was a young man with manners, with purpose, with a future. He looked distinguished and it was at that moment that I felt that there was hope for tomorrow. When I mentioned that my children were enrolled at KIPP S. Fulton Academy the mother nodded that she’d heard good things about KIPP; we both silently agreed that we had something in common – our children’s education. The curriculum at both schools are very structured and demanding, but I must admit that RCA is a just a step above KIPP. On the doors as you enter RCA it is written, “Don’t go where the path may lead: go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”–Emerson. Field trips are not just for fun but they are a learning experience. If they attend a Broadway or theatre show the children must first read the story, learn the songs, and research the architecture of the theater. Before visiting NYC they first had to learn the name of every bird and tree. Even bowling is a lesson in fractions. Ron Clark believes that children must have a connection to something before they will appreciate it. What a wonderful concept! Ron Clark Academy was not a guest at the Inauguration because they wanted to give minority students a field trip. These kids wrote a song that captured the world’s attention; their first being about voting and the second was about Obama. Mr. Clark did not receive a $300,000 check from Oprah Winfrey because she liked the video on YouTube; she sees a school with purpose. These children will be the ones that will go where there is no path and leave a trail. When I see the best and brightest at my girls’ school I know that there is hope for tomorrow. When I see those at KIPP that started out on a rocky road somehow find the determination to smooth out as they grow older, I know that there is hope. “Stanky leg,” yeah the kids at RCA may be doing the dance, but thanks to the young man in the bomber jacket I believe that there is hope for tomorrow. NSBIG

~Stay Prayed Up.