Monday, February 9, 2009


Isn’t it amazing how God puts just what you need, where you need it, even before you need it? No matter how much I learn about Him; no matter how much He’s shown me personally; no matter how much manifests itself before my very own eyes, God is AMAZING!!! He knows the trials and the devastations that are before us and He sets a cushion for us to gently fall back on; the cushion being His loving arms. As a student of His I’ve learned that some of us realizes the cushion as it happens, others see it later but it’s always there; God’s infinite wisdom & cushion.

As I listened to Jennifer Hudson sing “You Pulled Me Through” last night on the Grammy’s I thought it was a new song. It was only until this morning that I heard on the radio that this was a song from her album, which I had a copy of. Sure enough it was there and all I could say was God – only YOU knew what she would need even before she needed it. If memory serves me correct the Hudson tragedy happened in October & the album was released latter part of September so it’s safe to say, “Nobody but God.” I can’t say Jennifer relied on the words of this song to bring her peace during this time or that she was even singing about God when she first recorded it, but He has a way of being there for us through the smallest of things. He has a way of letting what one thing mean to us be about something that will bring us closer to Him. So last night as I heard her sing this song I immediately associated it with God because only He has the strength to pull her through all that she’s gone through these last few months. As we journey along our way Only God has the strength to pull us through all that we have or will go through. He knows the plans He has for us and He knows just what we need to help us understand or to put peace in our spirit when our day comes. Short story ~ While stationed in Germany I turned down a job at Red Cross because I was “satisfied” with my present job. A few months later I wasn’t so satisfied and out of the blue, the exact same day, I saw the Station Manager and I asked if he had filled the position; he hadn’t. I think being from Georgia helped seal the deal and I got the job. What I thought would be simple administrative work turned into becoming a consoler, a comforter for those that learned many miles away that they’d lost a loved one. It was hard most days seeing the pain in the eyes of a soldier or spouse that just lost a mother, father, or sibling, etc. It was even harder seeing their pain & confusion when they learned that unless your grandparents raised you for at least five (5) years the Army wouldn’t pay for you to return home. I became a consoler & comforter….ONLY GOD knew that months later I would be one of them. I would be miles away when I learned of the death of my mother. God gave me that job to prepare me. Though the lesson was hard God gives you just what you need even before you know you need it. He’s just that amazing! NSBIG

I was in the darkness
I was out in the cold
Seemed nothing could heal this
This hole in my soul
You reached out your arms to me
Held out your heart to me
Pulled me back from the edge
Thought I reached the end
When I was drowning
When I was so confused
You, You, You pulled me through
I was in the shadows
Lost, nothing left to lose
You, You, You pulled me through

~Stay Prayed Up!! CLICK ON THE LINK

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