Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As I was driving home from church last Sunday I was so excited about the idea of creating a new me. Every thread of my being was centered on my future; on the journey yet to come. I was marinating in the residue of the message knowing that what’s to come is greater than what has been…you see the Word says, “And we know that all things work together for good.” Whew…the anointing that’s dropping from this message is so fresh that I can still feel it in my bones so stay tuned there’s more to come from this message at a later time.

Prior to writing this I’d been joking about getting me some “good hair.” It’s not that I don’t already have “good hair,” I’ve been blessed in this area all of my life but I wanted a change – something different. I wanted a style that I was not obligated to keep. You know how it is with fads, some folks want tattoos I wanted hair even though I have enough of my own, so along came my alter ego – she’s the one that doesn’t like to sit in the salon all day and night yet she likes to be Oprah ready at a moment’s notice. Oprah ready? Well for me Oprah ready is looking a certain way when I answer the door should Oprah ever ring my door bell…Oprah ready…Now on to the beauty supply to gets (ebonics) me some good hair…As I write this I have to laugh because to me it’s so funny how other people think they can tell you what looks best on you – I know that for them they are making a sale but thank God I’m not easily swayed on the judgments of others. “Yea dat looks agood on you.” Is she looking at the same mirror that I’m looking at? “Let me see that one,” I said. It was a cute layered look; a cut that I wanted for my own hair but was too afraid that it would mess up my pony tail days. Sitting there looking like Miss Piggy she says to me again, “Yeah dat looks agood on you too.” We did this a couple more times and by now I realized that she didn’t know me, she didn’t know my style, and she didn’t know my alter ego. At this point I began the search myself – this, no, that, no until finally I saw it. All at once she came to life on my head – HOW U DEW-N? I was indeed Oprah ready from the neck up. “Let me get you another one from under the counter,” she said. “Nope, I want this one and I want a discount.”

Why am I telling you this? Well it crossed my mind as me and my good hair (ebonics) was on our way home that no one knows me like I know myself. I know what makes me look like a fool, I know what I can make look good even though it’s ugly and I know when someone is telling me something that’s just not right for me. At the end of the day I know me and the only other person that knows me better than I know myself is God. So for each new day that we are given remember that you know what’s best for you and if it settles in your spirit, then it’s great for your soul. No matter what anyone else may say – to thine own self be true! TGBTG

~Stay Prayed Up! CLICK ON THE LINK

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